Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea

Sustainability Report

Installing Reyooz at Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea connects their furniture, fixtures and equipment to a massive marketplace where anything and everything can be reused, repaired, refurbished, resold and recycled. Making the Circular Economy happen with the flick of a switch.

£ 91,664

Total value

Based on the original recommended retail price RRP


Total weight

Based on estimated weight of each item


Embodied carbon

Based on Embodied Carbon data from the ICE dataset

How much carbon is that?

Reyooz gathers every gram of data empowering you to report anything and everything Net Zero and ESG.

Watch TV for 8,912 days non-stop

Power a house for 1,003 days

Produce beef for 14,283 burgers

Drive a car for 1,387 hours non-stop

Light a bulb for 314 years continuously

Burn 12.50 tonnes of coal

Total traceability and accountability

Every single item can be traced from your office to 0 new homes


Reyooz Limited,
Third Floor, 86-90 Paul Street, London.


Reyooz Warehouse,
Node Farm, Bury Lane, Codicote, Hertfordshire.

Reyooz is a limited company registered in England & Wales Company Number 08874735